The next step for Universal Care - SB704
Lou Sinniger, President, Oregon AFSCME Retirees
Subchapter 41: I spent a 30 year career
as a Union Representative fighting for justice and well being for our union
members mostly in the public employer sector. The problems with employer
provided healthcare in the public sector are three fold.
1) The cost is enormous for both the employee and the
employer who is paying 20% or more of payroll for health insurance. The
employees also pay a portion of their
wages on the premium, out of pockets, deductibles, Rx copays, and other point
of service expenses.
2) What people usually don't realize is that these public
employer expenses are being paid with tax dollars. In other words the extreme
cost of health insurance including pharmaceuticals are already adding to the
tax burden. Often this goes unnoticed or is lumped into the "total
compensation package".
3) The health insurance is only provided while the person
is employed. As we saw when the pandemic hit people who lost their job lost
their access to health insurance and their healthcare. We still have 300,000 people on the OHP plan
because of job loss. If you lose your job, you lose access to health care. In
addition, employees must also carefully consider when retiring or when they
want to move to a better job whether they will have access to healthcare.
I encourage the Senate Health Committee and all our
Legislative Representatives to support and pass SB704. By establishing a fully
staffed and paid Governance Board, who
is directed to establish a self funded plan to cover the healthcare needs for
everybody in Oregon, will solve the lack of access to health care and some of
the costs above.
By moving to one universal health plan the administrative
costs and profits seen in the health insurance industry will be eliminated.
These costs and profits we know run between 20% to 30%. For the public
employers the costs will be substantially reduced by half or more. For the employees, their premium costs will
be reduced and they will no longer have out of pocket, deductibles, or other
costs at the point of service. Health insurance costs will be reduced therefore
reducing the tax burden.
Above all the greatest benefit to everyone is freedom.
Free to retire. Free to start a business. Free to get a better job. Free from
medical debt. It is time too stop burdening the bargaining table with health
insurance costs and dependencies. Take health insurance off the bargaining
table. Provide healthcare to everybody.
Please, support and pass SB704
Thank You for being a representative for the people.
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